Whatsapp Bot
Built a one way communication whatsAppBot supporting API calls for a product during internship. It's basic function is to update the customer about shipment details by the company concerned.
This is a simple Web WhatsApp Bot developed in python using Selenium. Selenium is used mainly for automating web applications for testing purposes, but is certainly not limited to just that.
Boring web-based administration tasks can (and should!) be automated as well.
It was also able to handle seding messages to those contacts which were not in the contact list using calls to Google People API.
- Send a specific message to a particular contact at any time of the day
- One can send a single message to multiple contacts over a specific time
- Multiple messages to multiple contacts
- It offers a delay so that WhatsApp can detect your are sending a URL and show its pop-up description.
- It can search a contact from the list if the contact isn't present in the recent chats
- Change the message along with time in the mainBot.py
- You can add multiple messages
- The Script can also search for the contact in the new chat list and then send message if the contact is not found in the recent chat list.
This was able to deal with the problem provided to us.